Privacy Policy


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I. Identity and address of the Data Controller.


We inform you of the terms and conditions under which Coppel Corporation (hereinafter "Coppel") will carry out the processing of personal data that you provide us and are under our control as well as the procedure to exercise your rights to privacy, to exercise control over your personal data and to their protection.

The address of Coppel, for all purposes applicable to this privacy policy and other issues related to it, is located at 503 Scaroni ave. Calexico, CA. 92231. USA.

本文将告知您Coppel Corporation处理您提供的个人数据以及其管控下的数据的条款条件,以及行使您的隐私权、管理和保护您的个人数据的流程。

适用于本隐私政策的所有目的及其他相关的事宜,请按此地址与Coppel联系:503 Scaroni ave. Calexico, CA. 92231. USA。

II. Types of personal data collected.


The personal data that you freely and voluntarily provide to Coppel by any means that we put at your disposal, or that reach us through means of public access, or by any other lawful source (hereinafter and as a whole “Personal Data ”) may include: Your general and identification information (e.g. name, first name, last name, gender, email and/or postal address, fixed and/or mobile phone number); Your function (e.g. title, position and name of company); For natural persons acting as suppliers or service providers, financial information (e.g. bank account details); Business license; registry number; Tax ID/RFC, and ID.


III. Use of data.


The Personal Data that we collect will be used only to fulfill the purposes of negotiating, planning and conducting business and commercial activities that we hold with you and with perfectly identified third parties and to whom we transmit this privacy policy for compliance, which are necessary for the existence and fulfillment of the legal relationship.

Coppel uses the Personal Data we collect for: (i) verify and confirm your identity; (ii) participate in the process of selecting and contracting suppliers, including the review and approval of the Compliance area based on anti-corruption practices and Coppel's internal policies; (iii) generate the necessary documentation for the correct development of the legal and / or commercial relationship and to comply with the obligations derived from it; (iv) carry out the necessary internal procedures related to the commercial relationship, including purchase or service orders, billing and payments; (v) Provide and / or receive services that could become or have been contracted; (vi) Carry out the corresponding procedures so that the Personal Data is kept updated, correct and complete at all times; (vii) Contact you by phone, email or by messages on social networks; to answer your questions, complaints, claims and / or suggestions; (viii) Make clarifications to prevent and detect fraud or illegal acts to the detriment of your person, or of Coppel; (ix) To comply with the legal obligations in charge of Coppel.


Coppel收集的个人数据用于以下方面:1) 验证、确认身份;2) 参与选择供应商并与其订立合同的流程,包括根据反贿赂措施和Coppel内部政策,审核、批准合规范围的事宜;3) 撰写构建合适的法律和/或商业关系所需的文档,并履行相应的责任义务;4) 落实与商业关系相关的必要内部流程,包括采购与服务订单、开具账单与收款;5) 提供和/或接收合同规定的或者可能订立合同的服务;6) 落实相应的流程以更新个人数据并确保其始终准确、完整;7) 通过电话、邮件或社交网络信息与您联系,回应您提出的疑问、投诉、索赔和/或建议;8) 解答疑问,以防止或者发现对您或者Coppel不利的诈骗或者违法行为;9) 履行Coppel的法律责任。

IV. Transfer, Processing and Storage of Personal Data.


Coppel is a global company with partners and clients located in countries around the world. The personal data collected by Coppel may be stored and/or processed in the country or region where the information is received in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.

Coppel does not sell or rent your personal information to third parties. Coppel may share your personal data to the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations of the country or region where the information is received. Subject to the aforementioned permitted disclosure of information, third parties and entities receiving personal data, will assume the same obligations and/or responsibilities of Coppel, in accordance with what is described in this Privacy Policy.



V. Accessing and Managing Personal Data


You can make requests about your rights provided in Title 1.81.5. California Consumer Privacy Act of the California Civil Code or applicable laws and regulations of the country or region where the information is received by sending a request to the email address

Coppel will review your request in accordance with applicable law. Coppel retains Personal Data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected or to comply with our business requirements, legal obligations, resolve disputes, protect our assets and enforce our agreements in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.



VI. Security of Personal Data


The security of your Personal Data is important to us. Coppel implements administrative, physical, and technical safeguards to protect your Personal Data from unauthorized access, use, modification, or disclosure.


VII. Updates


Coppel reserves the right to make modifications to this Privacy Policy at any time.

In the event that there is any substantial change in this Privacy Policy, you will be notified by any of the following means: i) Coppel's website (; ii) in written form; iii) phone call; iv) electronic means; or v) by any optical, sound, visual or other means that technology allows now or in the future.

We will not be responsible if you do not receive the notification about the change to this privacy policy, if there is a problem with your email account, data transmission over the Internet, or for any reason not attributable to Coppel.

For your security and information, we suggest that you periodically review the content of this privacy policy or that you send us any request for information or clarifications to our email account:


当本隐私政策有重大修改时,我们将通过以下方式通知您:1) Coppel的网站(;2) 书面形式;3) 电话通知;4) 电子方式通知;或5) 目前或未来技术允许的任何光学、声学、视觉或其他方式。

如因您的邮箱账户故障、网络数据传输故障或任何不应归因于Coppel的原因导致您未收到本隐私政策修改的通知,Coppel对此不承担任何责任。 出于信息安全和信息查阅目的,我们建议您定期查看本隐私政策内容,或者发送您的信息索取或需要解疑的要求至我们的邮箱。

Updated: October 2021.
